AVCG Constitution


                                          ARROW VALLEY COUNTRYSIDE GROUP



  1. NAME
  3. AREA







In this Constitution, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith:


  1. “The Group” means the Arrow Valley Countryside Group
  2. “The Committee” means the Committee for the time being of the Arrow Valley Countryside Group
  3. Where the content so admits the masculine form it shall include the feminine and vice versa and the singular shall include the plural.


  1. NAME

The name of the Group shall be: ARROW VALLEY COUNTRYSIDE GROUP



The objects for which the Group is established are:

  1.  To help all to a greater knowledge and love of the countryside, traditions and history of Britain and of countries overseas.
  2. To arrange a programme consisting of outdoor pursuits and social activities.  The Group shall not engage in political activities.
  3. To co-operate with any other organisation whose objects include the assistance or, provision of facilities for, or protection of rights or interests of, ramblers, climbers, speleologists, cyclists, canoeists, or campers in any country.  To this end the Group may affiliate to such bodies.
  4. To do any other things which the Committee or the Group in General Meeting may consider to be of furtherance of or in keeping with the spirit of the previous objects, including the organisation of dances, displays or entertainments of any sort with a view to raising funds for these objects.




  1. AREA

The Group is established primarily for the benefit of members and prospective members residing with the catchment area of the River Arrow.

  1.  Membership of the Group shall, at the discretion of the Committee, be open to any person interested in any of the objects whether or not he is resident in the area defined above.
  2. There may be such different classes of members, each class being subject to such respective rights and obligations, as the Group in General Meeting may determine.
  3. Each member shall pay such attendance fee as the Group in General Meeting shall from time to time determine.
  4. The annual subscriptions paid by members of the Group shall be such sums as shall be determined in General Meeting.
  5. Any Person who has a complaint should address the complaint to the Secretary.


  1. An Annual General Meeting shall be held within four calendar months of the end of the financial year.
  2. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:
  1. Election of the officers and members of the Committee to hold office until the next succeeding Annual General Meeting;
  2. An auditor or auditors shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting;
  3. Presentation of an audited Income and Expenditure Account for the preceding financial year and a Balance Sheet as at the end of the financial year;
  4. To nominate members as required to represent the Group on other bodies to which the Group may be affiliated;
  5. Any other business of which due notice has been received;
  1. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given:
  1. At least twenty-one clear days in advance by notices displayed at the Group’s principal meeting place or places;
  2. Or by oral announcement at every event and meeting of the Group, whether of a business or social nature, within at least the preceding twenty-one days;
  3. Wherever it is to do so, by inserting an announcement in the preceding issue of any bulletin or programme issued by the Group;
  1. Eight members shall form a quorum.


  1. An Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall be convened for the purpose of dealing with any business stated in a requisition signed by one tenth of the members of the Group, or by four members of the Committee.
  2. The notice convening the meeting shall be advertised in the same manner as for an Annual General Meeting and shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting.
  3. Eight members shall form a quorum.


  1. The Group shall be controlled by a Committee consisting of the following
  1.      The Chairman
  2.      The Secretary
  3.      The Treasurer
  4.      The Rambles Secretary
  5.       Individuals, not exceeding six in number, elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting
  6.       Individuals, not exceeding four in number, who may be co-opted by the Committee
  1. Four members shall form a quorum.
  2. Any vacancy occurring on the Committee may be filled by some person appointed by the Committee and such appointment shall be valid until the next following Annual General Meeting.
  3. The Committee shall be empowered to elect a Vice Chairman from its members.




  1. The funds of the Group shall be used exclusively in the furtherance of its objects.
  2. It is deemed to be a term of every contract or engagement entered into under the terms of the Constitution that the funds of the Group alone are to be liable for any debts, obligations or engagements incurred or entered into on behalf of the Group and no member or officer of the Group is to be under any personal liability in respect thereof.
  3. No transaction or series of connected transactions which involves or may involve expenditure of a sum of five hundred and fifty pounds or more shall be entered into by the Committee without the sanction of an Annual or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, the notice convening the meeting having specified the nature of the proposed transaction and the sum involved.
  4. A banking account or accounts shall be opened in the name of the Group:
  1. The Committee may appoint such Trustees or Signatories as may be necessary for this purpose.
  1. Where any funds of the Group are utilised in the purchase, hiring or renting of any equipment, such equipment shall be held in the name of the Group and not of individuals.
  2. Every member of the Group whether or not a member of the Committee or any sub-committee, shall keep a record of all monies received or paid on behalf of the Group and shall produce such record to the Treasurer at intervals not exceeding one month.
  3. No officer or member of the Group shall retain cash in excess of one hundred pounds of monies belonging to the Group;
    1. The excess shall be handed to the Treasurer forthwith and the Treasurer shall pay his own excess into the Group’s banking account;
    2. Nothing in the foregoing shall authorise any person other than the Treasurer to hold monies belonging to the Group without the consent of the Committee and such consent shall be recorded in the minutes of the Committee.        
  4. The financial year for the Group shall end on 30 September.
  5. The Treasurer or some other responsible person appointed by the Committee shall prepare an Income and Expenditure Account for each financial year and a balance sheet as at the end of that year for presentation to the members of the next succeeding Annual General Meeting.  The Group Treasurer shall maintain proper records of all monies received and expended by him.  He shall hold the funds of the Group in a bank account in the name of the Group.
  6. The Group is formed for a charitable purpose and not as a profit making concern.  Under no circumstances shall any excess of income over expenditure be regarded as available for distribution to members or former members, either during the existence of the Group or after its dissolution, provided that this shall not prevent the reimbursement of expenses properly incurred on behalf of the Group, not the aware of reasonable prizes to those taking part in any event in which the Group is concerned.
  7. Everyone involved in any activity of the Group whatsoever whether or not he is a member does so entirely at his own risk and no responsibility for loss, damage or injury to persons or possessions can be accepted by the Committee or the Group.
  8. In the event of the dissolution of the Group, its funds shall be applied in the following order of priority:
  1. To discharge all liabilities to outside creditors; that is persons who are not members of the Group and members of the Group to whom sums are owing otherwise than in their capacity as member;
  2. To discharge all liabilities to members of the Group;
  3. To repay to members any unexpired portion of their subscriptions which may for this purpose be calculated to the nearest complete month;
  4. All remaining assets shall be liquidated and transferred to a recognised charity to be selected by the remaining members in General Meeting;
  1. The Group shall be deemed to be automatically dissolved should the membership at any time fall below that necessary to form a quorum at the Annual General Meeting.






  1. The Committee may, from among its members, fill any further offices which may appear desirable, and may appoint a Minutes Secretary, a Bookings Secretary, a Catering Manager and Publicity Officers.
  2. The Committee may appoint sub-committees;
  1. At least one member of each sub-committee shall be appointed from among its members of the                   Group Committee and shall report to that Committee at each of its meetings unless the Committee otherwise decides;
  2. Each sub-committee shall elect its own Chairman;
  3. Co-options to any sub-committee shall be subject to the approval of the Group Committee but need not be confined to members of the Group;
  1. All members of the Committee and sub-committees shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election.


  1. This Constitution may be altered or rescinded only by the vote of two thirds of those members of the Group, present and voting, at an Annual or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting.
  2. Notices of motions affecting this Constitution shall be delivered to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days before the date of the meeting.
  3. Details of the proposed alteration or recession shall be specified in the notice convening the meeting.



Members of the Group whose conduct is inappropriate or who decline to abide by any of the rules may be expelled or suspended by a resolution passed at a meeting of the committee where their entrance fee and subscriptions may be forfeited.  Members shall have the right to appeal in person to the committee regarding any decision affecting themselves, provided that notice of such appeal is submitted to the secretary, in writing, within seven days of notification of the decision. 


  1. First adopted 30 September 1954 Annual General Meeting
  2. Fully revised 1975 and ratified at Annual General Meeting 16 October 1975
  3. Amended at General Meeting 20 October 1977
  4. Amended at the Annual General Meeting 20 October 1983
  5. Amended at the special General Meeting held 15 December 1983
  6. Amended at the Annual General Meeting 15 November 1990
  7. Amended at the Extra-Ordinary General Meeting 3 August 1995 and retyped
  8. Extra clause added at the Annual General Meeting 21 October 2004 and partly retyped
  9.   Amended at Annual General Meeting 20 October 2011 – Added clause 4 (e) & retyped in Word
  10.   Amended at Annual General Meeting 19 October 2017 and partly retyped in Word